Thursday, July 17, 2014

Raw Genius

July 17, 2014

       A blank page is something utterly terrifying but equally magnificent. It represents great and endless possibilities, but with those possibilities comes choices and decisions, which have the tendency to scare and render thoughts. Some might think of a blank page as disappointment or something that displays inability to fulfill, but I believe that is completely incorrect. I think of a blank page as treasure, and something that displays exactly what goes on in the minds of the creative: wonderful, frightening, frustrating, exhilarating, insane, lovely thoughts and ideas all jumbled together and turned into what is perceived by the naked eye as an empty nothing, but with closer examination, revealed to be raw genius.

       We are like blank pages: presumed by others to be ordinary, boring, or otherwise uninteresting until someone takes the time to notice our true selves in all of our own raw genius, and sometimes that someone is yourself.  Everyone has an inner raw genius, but it's up to you to reveal it.

       Have you exposed your raw genius?



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Future: Our Big and Wide and Unpredictable Sea

February 25, 2014
     The future is a very terrifying, extraordinary, fragile thing. On one hand, we are scared to death of what lies ahead unknowingly in our lives, and on the other, we can't wait to see what it holds. The future is so heavily weighted on what's going on right now, so that one measly choice that you made a week ago that you categorized under the unimportant nothings in the file cabinet of your mind actually changed the path of your life's road to a left turn instead of a right. Pretty freaky, huh?

     The future is like the sea, big and wide and unpredictable. It can be calm and beautiful, but it can also be rough and ugly. We ourselves do not know what our future holds, but that doesn't mean we cannot have a say in what can happen. Although we do not control it, that does not mean we cannot have a say in what happens. We are not completely blind on this roller coaster ride of life, for we can open our eyes and nudge the car to go a little this way or a little that way. Just like we cannot control sea, we cannot control our future, but that doesn't mean we can't steer our boat through the rough, unpredictable waves, right?

   The future is a big and wide and unpredictable sea that we cannot control, but only try to steer ourselves through the rough waves. 


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Emotions: Aren't they worth it?

January 11, 2014
     Depression, sadness, anger, hatred, envy, jealously, the list goes on. These feelings can be caused by anything from something as little as not getting invited to that stupid party, to as big as a horrific tragedy that took the life of your loved one. They are all dark, potentially dangerous, powerful emotions so many people achingly go through, and even go as far as taking their own life        because of them.
     Hope, faith, trust, love, caring, selflessness, gratefulness, forgiveness; this list goes on also. These feelings have just the same amount of power as the dark in some cases, less in most, but more in the few that can see the bright side of things even when they're being consumed by darkness. The ones that know it'll turn out okay.
    Emotions are those tricky little things that make up pretty much everything about who we are. They can change in the blink of an eye, but also last for forever. They can make you feel like the happiest girl in the world, or the loneliest, saddest person ever. They're overrated, exaggerated, and no one emotion is always the same, just like snowflakes. Emotions are an uphill battle and a sliding slope at the same time. What would our world be like without emotions? What would it be like to be emotionless, empty pits without any feeling whatsoever? A world without any feelings... A world without love...
    Sure, that would mean no heartbreak, no crying yourself to sleep after the boy you thought you loved left you and such, but would that be worth not feeling your heart skip a beat when that certain someone smiles at you from across the room with that look in his eye?
     Sure, those dark, dreary feelings are scary and bad, but along with any bad there is always a hope of good that you can cling onto for dear life if you need to.
     Emotions are bittersweet. They come with the bad, but they also come with the good. It's a take it or leave it deal, but aren't they worth  the bad when finally you get that drop of good?


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Love is Love

January 2, 2014 

     2014, who knew we could make it this far? In a world full of all kinds of bad, there is still some goodness shining light through the darkness of the world. I can guess this is the only reason why. 

     The World has changed so much over the years, don't you think? A few decades pass and the majority of people's views and priorities have drifted so far from what they once were, though money, greed, and power still seem to top the charts of some. I, personally, hope that can change to something like care, help, and God. A girl can only dream, right? 
     Speaking of dreaming, I have a dream. Well, I have many dreams but one that tops my list is being a writer. As you can tell, I kind of like to write, hints why I'm writing my rambling, empty thoughts down right now. Although, I don't think I'm particularly good. I write anyway, though. I write about everything and anything, but my favorite is love. It's mysterious, delightful, and what everyone hopes to stumble upon in life at some point in time. It's a part of that shining light of goodness and hope through the darkness of the world, as I mentioned earlier. 
     Love is complicated but blissful, confusing but magical. Love is so puzzling people have spent their entire lives trying to find out why it happens, why it’s so strong, and why we all crave to have it, and every single person has failed to find a single answer. I think that we have to make our own definition of love, and even though they might end up being wrong, who cares? Love is love, and it will always be that way. It's one thing that hasn't changed over all this time. From way back in 1595 when Shakespeare wrote about Romeo and Juliet, to 2014 with me writing about my idea of what it is, love is still that magical, mysterious thing everyone wants. That's why I love writing about love. 